Thursday, September 27, 2007

Camp Beach

If you judge people, you have no time to love them...Mother Theresa

Why is it that we feel we have a right to make a judgement on a situation we know nothing about? Perception is not reality. Judging by outer appearance doesn't mean that is the truth of the matter. Listening to what the crowd thinks, does not allow me to hear His heart. My heart is broken, but is my heart always clean of not finding myself guilty of this. I constantly pray and ask God to allow me to see His people the way that he does. Many times I do. I pray that I never put myself on a platform where I feel I have the right to make the judgement. The ground at the foot of the cross is level. I have learned that if I stop to listen and find out the facts, then most of the time I am moved to show compassion. Jesus always knew to listen. He always was moved towards compassion. He knew what to say when the crowd was ready to start flinging the rocks. He would, he is the son of God. My quest is to learn from His example and then live it. Every life tells a story. A lot of the dirty looking lives are just trying to find their way to the truth. But we who hold the truth get in the way with our "we must be better than you" because we know the way. We are good, you must be bad. When really we are bad, we are no better. I want to have my Father's eyes and understand His heart and see the hurting, the dirty, the in need of the truth. Because I was dirty and really do look just the same to Him, I have just been covered by His blood. It hides the dirt.


Heather Palacios said...

"the ground at the foot of the cross is level." WOW! That is the BEST phrase I've heard in a long time. Well said, Holly, thank you.

Holly said...

Thanks, I've heard it said different ways like that before, can't remember where or who...can't take the total credit, but I try to view others with that philosophy!