Monday, September 24, 2007

I am very excited about tomorrow. It is September 25. Tuesday. (A friend's birthday: Happy B-day HP) & Release day in the music world. I love music!

Two bands currently in my fav top 10, are releasing their latest albums.

Rascal Flatts is releasing their fifth CD. I love their music and the stories that they tell. Their song, "My Wish" was the perfect song for my son's graduation party. I wonder what song will be part of our family this time around.

I am not sure how Crowder is going to top "A Collision", but I am sure Remedy is going to be a keeper. I had heard of Crowder before "A Collision", when the Sunsets and Sushi abum was out, but never purchased any of his music. Then I bought "A Collsion" and was amazed at the musical genious on that album.

I love to listen to writers and musicians talk about their creative process. I think it is so cool to see how a song can come to life. Some songs you just know came from God's heart to the writer's pen or instrument. Music has also been a tool in building relationships with my friends, family, and my Savior. The love of music was something my mother and I shared. Many times music was the only thing my son and I could communicate about during those tough teenager years. And I know Christ speaks to me through music so many times. Music prepares my heart to hear His word. I can't wait to see how these 2 albums will inspire, encourage and just make my day!