Friday, September 21, 2007

People can change, mom!

"People can change, mom!" These are the words of my daughter this past week. These words rang really loud in my ears. I know people can change, I thought. I am a product of change, knowing where I was to where I am now. My calling includes seeing lifechange in people. But this is my daughter and she is talking about a friend, we'll call "friend", who has over the last 2 years hurt who to the point of tears more than once. Hurt her down deep in her heart.
My daughter has decided to enter the friendship again, knowing the past. My first reaction, anger, not too happy about this, I want to protect her from pain. But I can not. This is one of those times of letting go and allowing her to learn. I have given her the advice to guard her heart, observe actions and not just listen to words, actions speak louder. I will be paying close attention from afar, but I so admire her for the ability to forgive and engage again. I am much more guarded. I pray the results this time aren't painful. But the greatest lessons I have ever learn involve pain. God is doing a work in her life. But I also told her insanity is repeating the same behavior with the same this person is not insane; immature, yeah. "Friend" just needs to mature and work on character growth. I admire her for her ability to hope for better results. I again am reminded of how much my Savior loves me, love I can not fathom because I hurt Him so many times and yet he is still right there to be my friend, to forgive, to show me mercy. I believe my daughter has the gift of mercy, I do not. But I am learning! She is learning too, but she doesn't look at it that way. But I know better! The best parenting advice I ever got was that you want to allow your children to go through these issues while under your roof so that you can be there to catch them and guide them through. Allow her to learn a thinking it through and decision making process. She will need this when she is out on her own! So for now she is off the shore and navigating the waters and I know that I can throw the life vest as soon as needed.

1 comment:

Heather Palacios said...

GREAT nakedness on the video this weekend. I was so excited to hear your story and for the world to as well.