Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Lonely Island, just sometimes...

Ok, so this isn't easy, getting naked, but I am going to try...for my friends, students, family, I do not write this to be a whiner so please do not feel like you can not call me, write me, come to my home or office, or lean on me for strength...I know that is a big part of my purpose here....but Troy wrote about being lonely in his blog this morning and I can relate. Many times in my life I have felt like an island because I have taken a step one way in my journey and the crowd either laughed, didn't agree, stopped talking to me, etc. I felt alone. I felt like no one understood. Christ did, he has been the only one, everytime, and it has allowed my relationship with Him to grow so strong. But sometimes, you just need "God with skin on"...just someone who can be the strength for you instead of you always being the strength for them. Now see, that sounds like I am complaining, and I am not. I am just being honest and real. I know that God has given me the spiritual gifts of wisdom and discernment for my purpose here on earth and I do not take it lightly. I know that many look at me to be the strength for them and that is ok, I want to. It shows me that all the pain that I have gone through was not in vain, Romans 8:28. I am just saying that because most look at me for that, sometimes when I am looking and I open up or share, they look back at me like oh no, not you, you are strong, why is this bothering you, or she'll be fine, she will figure it out. Sometimes being in leadership you keep so much inside between you and God, it can get lonely and you need God with skin on. But most of time, I think God says, that will come in heaven, for now here on earth, I have called you to be the strong one and it isn't about me, it is all about HIM!! He has done SO much for me, the least I can do is carry this cross...
Check out more about getting naked at


Heather Orr said...

You are definitely the strongest woman I know and I hope that I can repay you by being "God in skin" to you for all the many times you have done that for me.

I love you, Holly!

Heather :)

Giovanna said...

Hey Holly!!! it was awesome talking to you today! I know im young , still trying to figure out my life hahah, and I don't have all the answers, but you can always count on me! Thanks for always being there! youre awesome! I love you!

Ps: love the title of your blog! our little groups motto will never die ahhaah...

:) GI