Tuesday, April 29, 2008

With Empathy

Today I received the news that Kelly Robertson lost her mom. I lift you, Kelly and Garland to the arms of our Father that He comfort and get you through this time. I lost my parents 9 months apart, one expected to go, one unexpected. I was mad at God for the unexpected death and it took longer to heal. I know this was not part of our plan, but I know God was not caught by surprise. Now I pray for healing for Kelly and Garland. I also pray that friends and family come in and become strength for them during this time. One thing I experienced was always being strong for everyone and when it was time for others to be strong for me, I had a hard time finding them. Thank God I had Him, but during this time especially in life, you need God with skin-on. I am so sorry, Kelly! I know how hard it is to lose your mom...

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