Friday, December 14, 2007

Real or Fake?

It's time to get the Christmas tree! Each year I ask myself the question, continue to get the REAL tree or cave in and get the FAKE tree. Since I always get a real tree, I usually wait 1-2 weeks before Christmas so it will stay alive throughout the holidays. Now, I also have to take into consideration to wait for my son to get home from college to be a part of the event. He is supposed to be flying home tomorrow on standby, so I was deciding that this Sunday would be a great day to get the tree. I was talking with my cousin and she was telling me about the great deal she got on a fake tree and how she loves it. Both her and my sister have shared their pros for a fake tree, such as: it doesn't die, you do not have to water, it doesn't make a mess, it's branches don't wither down, therefore allowing the ornaments to stay on and not fall off.
BUT I still can not cave in and get a fake tree. My pros for a real tree are more personal, the biggest one being: growing up my mom always got a real tree, we never had a fake tree. The real trees smell so good and those smells remind me of the good memories I have of Christmas' past with my mom. So, in honor of her memory, I have realized that I can not give in to fake. I also have great memories of going each year as a family to the tree tent and picking one out.
ONE story I will always remember about getting the Christmas tree was when my kids were about 7 and 4 years old. The tree handler was bringing the tree to our car and helping us tie it to the top. I gave Corey a couple dollars to tip the man for his help. As we went to get in the car and leave, Corey came up to me and handed me the money. I said to him, "Corey, go give the money to the guy." He said, "Mom, I did, but the man told me I could keep it for myself and not tell you." That was one of those proud parent moments and I was able to have a teachable moment about God with my son. I told him, because he was honest, he could keep the money. I explained that when we do the right thing, it allows God to bless our lives.
So for all those reasons and more, I choose REAL! I can sweep up the needles that it will shed, it's only for a couple weeks.

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