Thursday, March 27, 2008

Triple Threat Thursday

Today FRC Student Ministry hit the streets in Cooper City. After some collaborative thinking with the Student staff, we came up with the idea to go TO the students. Our first mission was to canvas the shopping center that they hit on early release days, so we began with Cooper City High School/Pioneer Middle School area. We offered a free item from Tijuana, Starbucks, or Coldstone, added Duce the DJ with loud tunes and WOW, instant party. The students really liked it and they were so surprised to receive a free gift, no strings attached. We had some of our core students handing out the coupon card and talking to kids about Flamingo Road Student Ministry. Of course, with teenagers and loud music, the police stopped by to say they had received a complaint. Once we explained to the police what we were doing, they were cool, just asked us to turn the music down a tad. Some people just do not like to see young peope have a good time. No harm was being done, and the free items and music were drawing a crowd inside of each of the 3 locals. FRC teens passed out almost 300 cards and created a curiousity for these students to come check us out. If we could get 10-25% of them, not a bad return. More than that, I hope they saw teenagers just like them, who are willing to take a stand for Jesus Christ and not be odd for God! We are planning the next one near a different set of schools and for football season we have an idea to do an outreach event called "Fifth Quarter" and find the places the students frequent after football games and, what a concept, meet up with them on their territory!


SmilingSally said...

I like the way you think!

Dave and Vicky said...

What a great idea!!! That's awesome.

Heather Palacios said...

That is a GREAT idea! Holy guys are geniuses. Praying for a huge ROI, man.

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