Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Today is my life long friend's birthday. We met in gym class when we were in the 8th grade. I was at a time in my life that my parent's had just divorced and my mom was living with a guy that was pretty shady. Most of my friend's parents would not allow them over my house or to spend the night, (as a parent I agree now, it just hurt then). She was the only friend that was allowed to come into my house or spend the night. Despite my circumstances, she did not judge me. She will never know how much that meant to me. We went to our first concert together at 12 years old (Eagles, Doobie Brothers and Jimmy Buffet). Leif Garrett was the big teen idol at the time (we got jipped) and we were both fans, we followed him all over town behind the Y-100 van. We took yearbook class together. We spent many a weekend at the skating rinks. All summer long we took the city bus to the beaches and practically lived there. We once took her mother's car without asking, she never knew. We both had a crush on the same guy, she just never told me til after we were both married to someone else. We were in each other's wedding. I am her son's godmother and she is mine. We have laughed together, cried together, dealt with step monster mom and dads together, loved to go to concerts and the mall together, had fun at the 20 year class re-union together, even though I graduated from a different high school. When I was 15 and got hit by a car, she was the only friend that was still by my side 6 months later when I had to wear a body cast and didn't quite fit in with the average 16 year old. And now 32 years later, she is still here in my life, she knew me when and she still loves me unconditionally. Happy Birthday BFF or as my daughter now says, Bestie!

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