Thursday, August 23, 2007

The cameras are always rolling

The buzz word lately at my church is "naked". Everyone is busy getting ready to embrace the new series on authenticity as a Christ follower. It is exciting to see everyone working together for the purpose of helping others find truth. Unchurched to find Christ. It is exciting to know that God will reveal truth to all of us in a different way. Christian to stop playing church.
The question is, can we handle the truth? Are we willing to change to become more like Christ, the Real Christ, not the label of Christianity.

Being authentic in an image driven world isn't always easy. It definitely isnt the popular thing to be doing these days. We, especially in the Western world, are so captivated by reality TV, but in all reality most of it is edited to spin a perception of those the camera follows. I think that if we really knew the bare naked truth about some of the reality personalities, we wouldn't like it. We crave the producers spun image.
Why is it that we seem infatuated by the image of a person's life on camera. But when the truth is shared, we get upset or let down. We tend to like the image and label. We judge based on the media's interpretation by camera and editing to spin the personality to what brings the most drama. Even in real life we can tend to believe the perception and label before we ever try to find out the truth of the matter. The perception, deception is just juicier. Sometimes Truth is boring, but it is what is right and true. The enemy always deals in deception and does his best to keep us living the lie. He loves to spin the storyline.
Are we brave enough to be authentic with our relationships?
I have to give our lead Pastor, Troy Gramling props for allowing cameras into his home. I think I give his wife and kids even bigger props. It sounds like no editing will take place to create an image. That is brave. What you see is what you get. Can you handle it, no judging, no comparing. Those on the outside have an image, but God knows the heart. And if you listen carefully, you can hear it also. I am so glad God is the judge of our heart, the judge of my life. If you listen to Troy's heart, you can hear how he wants to use this series to help lead believers in being REAL and HONEST with themselves, their families and friends, and most importantly GOD. Truth sets them free to reach their God-potential.
The greatest relationship we can ever have is being totally intimate with our Maker, our Father. He knows us intimately, but He waits patiently for us to be willing to be truthful and real with Him. The cameras are always rolling, who are we trying to fool!

1 comment:

by Troy Gramling said...

Holly...several of the ladies at Flamingo-Lima were asking about how you were doing and sharing how much you helped them when you were there