Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sweet 16

Happy 16th Birthday Amber Rae! Your name alone was chosen before we knew you were our girl. It defines your beauty and the love we both share for sunsets!

You have such a heart of gold! You have taught me about unconditional love. You have shown me how to love the unlovable. You possess the gift of mercy and are so forgiving to friends that have hurt you. You reach out to those that others may not take the time to get to know. That is your soft side. You are never afraid to invite your unchurched friends into your world, you accept them for who they are, no judgement, and many have come to know Christ through your invites to camp.

You can also be very tough on the outside. You are outspoken and never hesitate to share your true feelings with me. You have very expensive taste and I pray daily for the man God will bring into your life. He needs to work hard, have a great job, and love to spoil you rotten. I think Dad set a high standard. He must also love Jesus Christ with all his heart. It is great to see you as you begin your lists of standards for your future. Know that your are worth it, make him woo you!

You always make me laugh, like tonight when you told me you declined the Naked Pastor as your friend on myspace because you thought it was a bad guy, a naked dude trying to become your friend. Then I explained it was Pastor Troy's myspace, your face was priceless. I am still laughing. You have always been an individual who chooses to lead than follow, stand up for those who don't always deserve it, and find the best in all people. Mean people hurt your feelings, they do mine too. You like scary movies, Corey and I both don't understand how and pray the Holy Spirit will convict you :-) We are more different than alike, but God knew your differences would teach me so much about myself and God Himself.

You turn 16 today...It is what I consider the true beginning of independence in your life. I have to start the letting go process. Decision making becomes more of your job now. I am all about guidance, with the keys to the car being held hostage at my discretion. You have already made your appointment on your own to get your driver's license tomorrow morning, that is due to your determination and perserverance. I must pray more than ever as a mother because I can not control all the steps you take, I just pray that I have given you a true and real example of loving others as Christ has done, being true to yourself, acting as a lady should, following God's way and not the world's and pursuing your greatest potential. I know you will. Your gifts have always been so evident from a young age, continue to rely on your strengths and improve your weaknesses. But know that truth will always set you free.

Happy Birthday! I love you, Mom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it!! Wow can you believe your baby is 16?! Are we old or what! I just wanted to commend you on what a wonderful job you & Tim have done in raising 2 awesome kids! Any kid would be proud to have you as a mom. I surely did choose the right godparents Sean.
Happy Sweet 16 Amber!!