Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another life touched by Pete

It has been a week since Pete's graduation ceremony. It seems weird how life can just seem to get back to normal. For Holly things will never totally be the same. Time will help to heal, but there will always be something to trigger a memory or cause a tear to fall. Pete touched so many of our lives. His influence with students will last forever. At his graduation party last week, a mom of one of Pete's boys shared a part of the influence that Pete had on her son. Andy began 9th grade yesterday. He had been a part of Pete's table for the past couple of years. Andy is autistic. He doesn't always care for the music during worship, sometimes he has to move around or go to the back of the Student Building because the sounds can be overwhelming. Pete was always so patient with Andy and allowed him the freedom to move around during worship. He did not pass judgement and always tried to treat Andy like all the guys. Andy's mom shared how before he began attending the Middle School service on a regular basis that he would tell his mom that there was no God. He said he did not believe and he never would. She said that he did not want to attend church. Andy's mom explained that with his autism, so many things are black and white and if it can't be proven or seen, Andy had a hard time accepting salvation by faith alone. But, little did Andy know that God had Pete waiting for him at his Middle School table time. Andy's mom said that Pete was the tool that God used to reach Andy's heart and soul. Pete was truly God with skin on to Andy. Because of the relationship that Pete had with Andy, Andy did accept Christ and was able to have the faith to believe in a God he could not see. I asked Andy's mom to please write this all down in a letter to Holly so she can read this in some of the tough days ahead and be encouraged. Pete understood his purpose and potential. He knew that God had created him to reach middle school guys. He was always so confident in this role. God brought Andy's path across Pete's and Pete lived up to his calling, was obedient and God was able to use Pete to reach a young life that at one time adamantly was against God. Now, Andy tells him mom that he can not miss coming to Student Ministry. Andy now attends the High School service and he still moves about during the worship, but its all OK and God will use Andy also to reach his potential for the kingdom. If you pay close attention to Andy, you can see the influence of Pete, Andy will give you great big hugs. Pete always greeted me with a hug! Love ya, Pete. Praying for comfort for you Holly!


Jorge said...

Just as Pete, you too are a blessing to our kids. Be encouraged today.

LuAnn said...

Hi Holly,
Just wandering around while on th elaunch party live with troy and others and came upon your site and letter about missing Pete.
Jonathan was blessed with Pete and his leadership. He never minded getting up to go to the earlier service because he liked meeting with him. Pete would always call and check up on him when he missed a service or two.
Jonathan was able to make the service held for Pete but I wasn't . I miss Pete and his unselfish service to the boys.
But thinking back, I remember the spiritual influence you had on our son, Thomas (now 20)and the continued influence and leadership with Jonathan and all the other kids who walk through the doors.
Pete allowed his heart to follow the leadership that he saw.
Thankyou for your unselfish service also as you continue to touch lives as Pete so often did.
L. Samuelson

Ivan said...

Hi Holly,

My name is Ivan Aguilar.

Pete used to be, I believe we are talking about the same Pete from Flamingo road Church, my leader as well at my table. He was a really amazing friend and a wonderful brother in Christ.

I lost contact with him and I would like to talk to him. Could you pass me his email or give mine to him? (where could I send you my email to give to Pete)?
