Thursday, February 14, 2008

Turned 20 on 2-12

Corey and Scott in Niketown, Chicago
Hannah Montana, aka Corey
Corey and Marcus as Tennesee boys at High School Summer Camp '07
Corey leading the team out for a game!

Happy Birthday, Corey!
It is so hard to believe that it was 20 years ago today that I brought you home - V Day, 1988.
I always said you were my sweetheart baby and you would be a lover, not a fighter and it is somewhat true. Now, you definitely speak your mind and we have had some spirited conversations, but you never like to go bed without making peace. That is such a good trait, to not hold a grudge, to not allow the sun to go down on your anger.
You were an answer to prayer, I asked God for a son then a daughter, so he could be the older brother to his sister, something that I never had. You have been a great older brother!
You have always been determined, from the time you kicked and broke my water and I went into labor. You always told me that you wanted to go away to college and play football and you set your goals and were so determined to succeed. Never imagined it would be in Illinois!
You are strong-willed and I will never forget the time I was disciplining you, you were about 3 years old and you told me, "You are not the boss of me". I knew then I would have to keep on my toes to be your mom.
You have always been a leader and never followed the crowd. I remember the time you were at a party with drugs and alcohol and you stood your ground, said no, and then called me to come and get you, and you didn't care that your friends saw you leave early.
You have always been an individual sometimes to the point where others thought you to be a bit strange or off :-).
You have the greatest imagination and when you were young, it was a blast playing pretend with you. It broke my heart to have to tell you that Santa was not real.
You are a great athlete and were never afraid to try different sports. You just always liked the extra physical sports, like football and hockey. How many ER visits have you had?
You are passionate about what you are passionate about...and many times you were misunderstood, but that trait will help you reach your goals in life.
You have a sensitive side, more than others know. But I have seen it as an asset, especially how you are sensitive to the Lord and His call on your life.
We share the love of music and I was so proud of you when, on your own, you found someone to teach you to play the drums and sure enough you did.
I love your sense of humor, you always tell the funniest stories and come up with your slogan words of the week- gunther!
And now you are 20, no more teenager, but a man, a young man that I am proud to call my son, my friend. I know that I can ask you to pray for me or someone and you will. I love how you seek God for your future and because of your choices to be faithful and obedient to your Heavenly Father, blessings abound! I miss you this week, the first time in your life we have not been together on your birthday, but I know you are safe in the will of God! Thanks for your text message last night, especially the part that read..."if you need me, call me, i love u". Seems like words I should be sending to you, but it shows me how the ground has become level between the 2 of us, no longer am I your total authority, but your friend! Happy Birthday,
I love you, Mom!

1 comment:

Renee said...

OMG!!! I am TOTALLY crying my eyes out. You know, he is a great son & you've done your job well Holls. I think I remember you telling me about when he told you you were NOT the boss!!! LOL it's amazing how little time we have with our kids, sometimes it seems like time stands still. But it's moments like this when I wonder where the time has gone & what have I done in the meantime. I pray I will be able to write these exact words on my girls 20th B-days. You & Tim are great parents.
Love you,