Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Shop, Drop, and Roll

This past Sunday evening, the students of Flamingo Road Church Student Ministry were able to give of their time and resources to help out some families less fortunate. We hosted our 2nd annual Food Drop. It is such a simple concept. Find a family in need, come together as a small group, each student give $10, go to the grocery store and purchase all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal and deliver to the family. We had 20 groups go out into the community. What an adventure they had. Each week in Student Ministry the message is given to students telling them of God's love and what the Bible teaches about issues relevant to their stage of life. But nothing teaches them the reality of being Christ, like this event can. Going out and being Jesus to someone in need. Our hope is that this just doesn't happen once a year for them, but they become sensitive to the needs of others around them in their everyday life, from school, to their neighbors, family members. Here is one of the stories from a leader:

A quick recap from our wacky adventure. We found the house this year but it was empty- no furniture, no carpet- but we could hear a dryer going and see cars in the garage. We called the phone numbers but no answer- left messages- no call back- so—we were in the process of taking the groceries back to the car to deliver to another family when---- several people came out from the next door neighbor’s house. Turns out the family was in the process of moving and were staying with the family next door. Our surprise was blown but we actually got to help out 2 families (the original and the kind neighbor). On our way home, the mom called my cell phone (I had left the # when we were trying to find them) and was so thankful- sharing with me that she was suffering from cancer and the children had just asked that week what they were going to do for Thanksgiving with no money and no home. She even said that her littlest asked her if God had told her that we were coming with the groceries! Sniffles, tears ensued- wow!! How much more were we blessed by this experience – it was huge!!! Love, love loved it!!!! Thanks God! Sue
PS, Chad, FRC Student Pastor, also blogged about the event and he has more photos, check it out at www.chadswanzy.blogspot.com

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