Monday, November 12, 2007

I am not afraid!

For the second time in a week, crime has hit close to home. This afternoon, my daughter's cell phone rang with a call from a friend letting her know that police were all over Stirling Road, searching for robbers on the run. They had found the getaway car at the gas station where we usually get gas. My daughter and I were on our way out the door. Should we go, bad guys running around, you could hear the helicopters in the area. Amber's words to me, "If it's our time to go, that is God's doing, I am not afraid." I thought, true, but let's check the news just to see how close this chase really is. God gave us a brain not to walk into dangerous situations. As we left our subdivision, you could see police cars all around the Rock Creek neighborhood. Yes, there definitely was something going down. But you can not stop living or doing. Life goes on. Last week, my daughter and husband had to face their school going on lockdown due to a prisoner shooting the police officer transporting him to court. Amber texted me from her class asking me why and what was going on. I explained the situation. But I must admit, if she was at this school and her dad wasn't an employee, I may have been a bit more anxious about the situation. They did catch the guy only a mile from her school.

I always have friends and family, that no longer live here, question me about why I stay in South Florida. Truly, because I LOVE this place. I do not think there is a geographical cure. I believe this a great place to raise your children. We can not hide them from reality, we need to teach them to make wise choices, to be aware of their surroundings, and to find ways to be a light in the darkness. And those that have the light, should not run because they are faced with some darkness. I don't particularly care for gunned robbers running the neighborhood, but it doesn't mean that I must run and hide.

Today, as we were out and about, my daughter and I ran into some kids needing some money. My daughter reminded me as we walked out of the store, to give the boy some money. Be a light in a dark world, the more we shine, the brighter the light outshines the darkness. John 12:46 speaks Jesus words, when he said, "I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark".

Yes, there will be darkness in this world, but heaven is a place of love and light...we can not hide here because of fear, we need to shine, for heaven's sake! Thank you Lord for the police officers who put their lives on the line for my safety each day.

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