Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Making Memories

Pic #1-Ft Myers Beach

Pic #2 - Sister's house
Pic #3- Blake and Corey jam session
Pic # 4 - Helicopter Ride

Pic #5 - Putt putt golf


Pic #6 - Smoky Mountains
My intentions were to be able and write while on vacation, but my husband's laptop decided not to cooperate the first day into the trip. We decided to just not deal with internet or answering cell phones and just focus on spending time with each other and family. This meant no myspace for the kids or email for Tim and I. I believe it was God-ordained, haha. We spent the 4th of July in Ft Myers. If you are anything like me, you hate looking for that great place to watch the fireworks for the fourth of July, fighting crowds and mosquitos. Well, I will share a secret I have known over the past few year, Ft Myers beach is the place to go. You can get a hotel right on the beach and watch the fireworks from your hotel. I do not mean mom and pop shows with fireworks bought at the tent roadside shops, I mean major fireworks like Disney World, going on all around you. We didn't fight any crowds or mosquitos, we actually sat on the balcony of our 6th floor room and watched the shows, looking left or right and they went on for about an hour. The kids made strawberry smoothies in the blender and baked cookies, we had so much fun. Pic #1 is Amber, Marcus, Jamie and Corey on the beach during the day.

We then headed to Atlanta and spent a couple days at my sister's home. We went and saw the movie Transformers at the IMAX. It was a really great movie. We also watched old family videos and laughed our heads off. Pic #2 is my nephew, Tony and Corey in front of my sis' house.

My sister and nephew decided to go with us to Tennessee. We met up with Tim's mom, dad, older brother, wife and 2 kids. We had a lot of fun just hanging at the pool, playing cards, shopping. We also went riding go-carts and some of the crew went on a helicopter ride through the mountains. We always have a Farver family round of putt-putt golf. We had 10 of us playing so we broke into teams. It was so much fun! We have such a competitive group of players. My team won!! Way to go Amber, she had like 4 hole in ones and was on my team. Picture #4 is Tim, Jamie and Corey on the helicopter ride through the Tennessee mountains, picture #5 is my niece, Kindal, myself, my sister, Amber and Corey playing putt-putt and picture #6 is Corey, my sis, Wendy and Amber at a stop in the mountains. It was cool to be with everyone and of course it wasnt always hunky-dory, we did have our moments of needing our space and getting on one another's nerves. A cool time was when my 15 year old nephew, Blake and Corey lead an improptu set of worship in the living room of one of our suites. Blake brought his guitar and Corey went through the kitchen pots and pans to find a bongo. He eventually ended up with a plastic covered bowl. (see pic #3) I noticed Tim's mom and dad in tears for a brief moment. It was nice to watch them enjoy the music and look around at their family and feel proud. At first I wasnt two keen on driving all the way to Tennesee, since I get to do it again for High School camp, but I know the sacrifice and making the memories with the kids and extended family is priceless.

1 comment:

Heather Orr said...

Awesome pics and awesome stories - I especially loved the story about the impromptu worship session with your in-laws - what a huge impact that must have had!

I miss you! Hope to see you next week!

Heather :)