Thursday, April 5, 2007

IN on the Action

A few days ago I was reading the following from the Bible (Message). I started reading the Book of Acts. I read the following in the intro section of the book, "The story of Jesus does not end with Jesus, it continues on IN the lives of those who believe in Him...Christians are not spectators of the faith, they are IN on the action of God, God acting in them, God living in them, which also means, of course, in us." As I read this I thought about how it reminded me of someone whose life has modeled being IN on the action, not a spectator. His name is Bob Johnson. I met Bob over 17 years ago. He has always been a constant and faithful doer of the Word. Bob has served in Student Ministry as his main place of service since I have known him. He has helped with Student camps, 3 on 3 tourneys, leading small groups and so much more. When he is not giving of his time and talents in Student Ministry, you could find him greeting at the front doors of the main service. Bob's life has always modeled servanthood. He has never volunteered in order to impress man or be put in the forefront. He has served Christ with his life and with the gifts that God has given him out of obedience and love for His Savior. Bob is someone who "gets" that intro statement that I read in Acts. His life shows that the story of Jesus truly continues on in 2007.
Bob and his wife, Barb are moving to Georgia this week. You would think that his week would be filled with packing, closing on his home and focusing on his personal needs. Yet, he still found time to meet up with the Student Ministry team as we had a camp planning day. Thank you, Bob for your sacrifice. There are not enough words to truly express our gratitude, but I do know there are rewards awaiting you in eternity for your commitment and faithfulness.

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